Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hey guys!

This is so funny looking back at all these photos! Kudos to Maggie & the gang getting all this started! It is going to be so great to see everyone! We used to always complain about not being a "real" school. But once again we have made away to have something a real school has. So I hope everyone supports this. I have so many good memories of FOCA & met some awesome people! Just think Faith if I never got pulled out of Holmes & sent to FOCA you would have never married my cousin! LOL! I'm really excited to see my 94' class! I hope we can get all of us together! We had some awesome Times! And of course everyone else! Gosh, What's everyone been up to? Did we actually end up like everyone thought? I pulled out my "Senoir Book" & to see the predictions people made for the 10 year mark is hilarious! I have tons of pics that I will post up! Remember 94' class song smashing pumpkins "today is the greatest" But they made us use a friends a friend forever something something! LOL! So I hope I see all you peeps out there! and do this in another 10 yrs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah yes, Today by the Smashing Pumpkins. do you remember Joe, Josh, Jessica K (on keyboard) during chapel...playing Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie? that was crazy! i remember fearing lightning coming down to strike us at any moment.